Wireshark Unleashed: Harnessing The Power of Packet Analysis
Wireshark is an essential tool for those in the info & cyber security field. If you’re looking to analyse network traffic or conduct electronic counter surveillance then you’ll need to build a box of electronic tools that you can turn to and use to achieve these goals. Today, we’ll be looking at one of the tools we can use for network and packet analysis. It’s not the only tool for this job, but it is one of our favorites. It’s time to check out WireShark! Note: While Wireshark is an open source tool available for anyone to download, it’s important to understand that in many places how we use this tool will define it’s legality. Whilst it’s usually perfectly legal to intercept and assess traffic and data within your own network, using it to intercept traffic that doesn’t belong to you, or using information from third party traffic you aren’t legally allowed to intercept turns this in to a Black Hat scenario. Don’t be “that guy”. There’s plenty of PCAPS available to experiment...